It's only been 3 months and GitHub blocked my account, for no good reason. Github service does not stand up to any criticism-there is no longer a desire to use it and I delete the account. Прошло всего 3 месяца и GitHub заблокировал мой аккаунт, без всякой достойной внимания причины. Сервис GitHub не выдерживает никакой критики - больше нет желания им пользоваться и аккаунт я удаляю. UPDATE: Sam (GitHub Developer Support) Hi Andy, Thanks for reaching out, and apologies for any frustration with our password requirements. Unfortunately, that message indicates your current password (or more specifically, a hash of that password) has been found in an internal database of credentials known to be compromised by breaches of other websites or services. To be clear, your password being exposed does not relate to any data breach of but, due to its presence in that database, it should be considered significantly less secure and changed immediately.» Ps. I d...
Software, source code and how to do it